Friday, May 30, 2014

Among the sleep free download

A child and their mother are celebrating the child's 2nd Birthday. After answering the door to an unknown caller, the child's mother hands the child a present: a stuffed toy bear called Teddy that appears to be alive and speaks to the child. The child begins to have scary visions but Teddy explains that if he ever gets scared in the dark, the child can hold him and that will help him feel more safe. Later, the child's mother puts the child to bed, but the child wakes in the night to find Teddy has been taken away. The child makes their way out of their crib and finds Teddy in the washing machine and frees him, but they then realise that they cannot find the child's mother. The child wanders the house in search of its mother, continuing to have frightening and surreal visions, which require tokens that represent the shared memories and experiences of the child and its mother in order to progress past them. Eventually the child is accosted by a frightening figure of an animated black coat that drops the child over a cliff. The child appears to wake, and it seems as if much of this adventure may have been a dream. The child makes it into the kitchen, finding their mother sitting on the floor, holding Teddy and an empty wine bottle, crying to herself. The child takes Teddy out of her hands and the mother pushes the child, telling him to stay away from her. Upon realizing that she pushed her child, she apologizes profusely. A man arrives and the child goes with him as the man assures them that they will be safer coming with him.

Among the Sleep
Among the Sleep cover artwork.jpg
Cover artwork for Among the Sleep
Developer(s)Krillbite Studio
Producer(s)Ole Andreas Jordet
Designer(s)Anders Ugland
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows,OS XLinux,PlayStation 4
Release date(s)29 May 2014

for download click here---

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